Introducing Tether

Our first game is Tether!
It’s a “mirror deck” card game for two players or teams. More information is on our website. We’re working with Eric Hibbeler for illustrations. He is a supremely talented artist with a style we’re really into. On top of that, he likes drawing astronauts! I couldn’t be more pleased with how it’s going.

We’ve got more artwork coming along, so stay tuned.

Crowdfunding Campaign

We’re solidifying our plans for a Kickstarter campaign early next year, working out what all will be in the box, what fun things we’ll do during the crowdfunding campaign, how to present everything, etc.

We will send out an update when we’re ready to go, and you can visit the pre-launch page on Kickstarter if you want to be notified when it launches in February 2023.

PAX Unplugged

A final bit of news, and this is a pretty big deal. Tether has been selected as part of the PAX Rising Showcase. That means we will be at PAX Unplugged in December. And we will be demoing Tether in the expo hall at booth 2623. Anyone at the convention can come play Tether and chat it up! Here are all the games selected for the PAX Rising Showcase.