We recently gave final approval of all the pieces from the factory, and now lots and lots of copies of Tether are queued up. Over the next few months, all the copies will be printed, assembled, then freighted to our fulfillment partner, who will ship it to our Kickstarter and Gamefound backers.
While that’s happening, we will finish setting up an online store so that once all the initial backers have their copies, Tether will be available for anyone else who is interested.
What’s Coming Next?
This week we are attending a game trade show for the first time ever! We’ll be in Louisville, Kentucky for the GAMA Expo. We’ll spend time learning from industry professionals and making new friends as we go along. We’ve got fun plans for How To Steam Broccoli and we’re growing in knowledge and experience each step of the way.

Playtesting The Next Thing
In a couple of weeks, there will be a few Broccoli people in Baltimore (technically Towson, which is in Baltimore county and borders Baltimore city) for Unpub Prime 2024. We’ll be there to playtest games, including the next one coming from How To Steam Broccoli. It takes a lot of testing and iteration for game to reach its fullest potential, and events like Unpub are great for getting a lot of feedback from a lot of different people.
If you’re in the Baltimore area March 14-17 Unpub, maybe swing by and play some games!

Until next time!