Category: Tether

  • Tether Fulfillment Update

    Tether Fulfillment Update

    Within a couple weeks of this update, copies of Tether will arrive at warehouses around the globe and then ship out to our crowdfunding backers from our fulfillment partner. We are so close now.

    Wait, what fulfillment partner am I talking about?

    We’ve Partnered with Allplay

    How To Steam Broccoli has partnered with Allplay for fulfillment and distribution (and other things). This means Tether is available through their website and stores can stock our games through them.

    Online Store?

    The How To Steam Broccoli store is live now on and Tether pre-orders are open, which will ship once Kickstarter copies have gone out.

    Things are all looking good and we are grateful for everyone who has supported us. Stay healthy and eat your veggies, everybody!

  • Tether is at the Printer!

    Tether is at the Printer!

    We recently gave final approval of all the pieces from the factory, and now lots and lots of copies of Tether are queued up. Over the next few months, all the copies will be printed, assembled, then freighted to our fulfillment partner, who will ship it to our Kickstarter and Gamefound backers.

    While that’s happening, we will finish setting up an online store so that once all the initial backers have their copies, Tether will be available for anyone else who is interested.

    What’s Coming Next?

    This week we are attending a game trade show for the first time ever! We’ll be in Louisville, Kentucky for the GAMA Expo. We’ll spend time learning from industry professionals and making new friends as we go along. We’ve got fun plans for How To Steam Broccoli and we’re growing in knowledge and experience each step of the way.

    Playtesting The Next Thing

    In a couple of weeks, there will be a few Broccoli people in Baltimore (technically Towson, which is in Baltimore county and borders Baltimore city) for Unpub Prime 2024. We’ll be there to playtest games, including the next one coming from How To Steam Broccoli. It takes a lot of testing and iteration for game to reach its fullest potential, and events like Unpub are great for getting a lot of feedback from a lot of different people.

    If you’re in the Baltimore area March 14-17 Unpub, maybe swing by and play some games!

    Until next time!

  • Tether’s Pledge Manager is Live!

    Tether’s Pledge Manager is Live!

    If you missed the Kickstarter campaign, now’s your chance to late pledge for Tether. Visit our pledge manager on Gamefound to place your pre-order.

    If you backed Tether on Kickstarter, your invitation to the pledge manager should be in your inbox. Use that to access the Gamefound page and provide your shipping details. It’s also your opportunity to add additional copies of Tether to your pledge.

    Printing with Panda

    We signed a contract with Panda Game Manufacturing to print Tether.

    They have a long track record of producing some of the most beautiful and high quality games in the industry, which is a huge part of the reason we are excited to work with them.

    What’s Steaming Now

    Our current work consists mainly of file preparation for the printer and making sure all our plans are in place for when it’s time to ship the games in a few months. It’s exciting to see the pieces coming together. Thanks for being a part of this journey with us.

  • Tether’s Kickstarter Campaign is Live!

    Tether’s Kickstarter Campaign is Live!

    The big day has finally arrived!

    We’ve been building up to this day for a long time now, and we are happy to share that the Kickstarter campaign for Tether is happening right now. Without your support, we will not be able to print our games to share with the world. Go pledge for a copy of Tether today!

    Your New Favorite Brassica Based Publisher

    A couple of us were on a recent episode of The Game Designers of North Carolina Podcast to talk about How To Steam Broccoli. We talked about why we started the company and the thinking behind the How To Steam Broccoli philosophy.

    If you’re interested in the considerations that go into starting a game company or if you want to learn more about How To Steam Broccoli, check out the episode.

    How To Steam Broccoli at TantrumCon

    We are a North Carolina based company and TantrumCon is a North Carolina based convention, so it only makes sense that we will be there this coming weekend to enjoy the show and demo Tether. If you’re attending, swing by our demo table to say hello and play Tether with us.

    That’s what’s up. Catch ya next time!

  • Introducing Tether

    Introducing Tether

    Our first game is Tether!
    It’s a “mirror deck” card game for two players or teams. More information is on our website. We’re working with Eric Hibbeler for illustrations. He is a supremely talented artist with a style we’re really into. On top of that, he likes drawing astronauts! I couldn’t be more pleased with how it’s going.

    We’ve got more artwork coming along, so stay tuned.

    Crowdfunding Campaign

    We’re solidifying our plans for a Kickstarter campaign early next year, working out what all will be in the box, what fun things we’ll do during the crowdfunding campaign, how to present everything, etc.

    We will send out an update when we’re ready to go, and you can visit the pre-launch page on Kickstarter if you want to be notified when it launches in February 2023.

    PAX Unplugged

    A final bit of news, and this is a pretty big deal. Tether has been selected as part of the PAX Rising Showcase. That means we will be at PAX Unplugged in December. And we will be demoing Tether in the expo hall at booth 2623. Anyone at the convention can come play Tether and chat it up! Here are all the games selected for the PAX Rising Showcase.